Vi kör på maskiner som är i pensionsåldern och har haft ett hårt liv i händerna på gasglada ägare. Den sista Vincenten byggdes 1955 och flera är från slutet av 40-talet. Många kördes långt och i modernt trafiktempo till och från träffen, de med längst väg att åka kom från England. Då är det trots allt förvånansvärt att inte fler problem uppstår (eller rapporterats). Inte många andra fabrikat av den åldern skulle klara den typen av körning idag.

We ride machines that should have retired long ago, and some bikes live a hard life in the hands of gas happy owners. The last Vincent was built in 1955 and many of the bikes present at the Rally were manufactured in the 40-ies. Many of them had covered a long way at modern traffic pace to come here, with England as the most distant starting point. Bearing all this in mind, it is nothing less than strange that not more problems have been reported. How many other motorcycle brands from those days can stand up so well to this type of strain?

En tysk Comet-åkare fick problem med sin BTH magnet.

Magneten på bilden är dock en annan och helt oskyldig.

A german owner of a Comet got problems with his BTH Magneto.

The magneto in this picture is another one and completely innocent.

Ingenting, absolut ingenting, kan stoppa en Vincent-entusiast !!!

Nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop a Vincent Enthusiast !!!

UPPDATERING: Från Christoph B har vi fått hans egna beskrivning av problemet. Eftersom den innehåller ett värdefullt tips om att man faktiskt kan ha ett reservtändsystem ombord på en Comet om man har en magnet/tändsystem avsett för en twin är berättelsen lärorik. (texten är inte översatt)

UPDATE: From Christoph B we got information in his own words about the problem. Interesting because it includes an technical tips that might be very valuable. Did You know that You might have a spare ignition system onboard it You ride a Comet with a magneto/ignition system intended for a twin?

On the way to the "Eifel Rally" in September 2017 my Comet broke down the first time with BTH trouble. I found out, that it was a temperature problem of the CDI or the "Hall sensor" because every 10 minutes the magneto stopped working for approx. 20 minutes and so on and so on. I was 100 Km from home. Back at home with ADAC transport,
I took my BMW R75/5 to take part of the rally on the same day.
With the knowledge from now I could have continued with Comet because the BTH is one for a Twin with 2 independed systems. At home I recognised that you only has to shift
the lever of the "Hall sensors" to the second coil and connect the wire from the second system. A job of 5 minutes. With an additional HT coil and a spark plug in your pocket
you has a second ignition system on board.
During the winter Peter N. from BTH replaced the defect CDI and Hall sensor so I had again "two" systems for one cylinder.

But now to the trouble during the ?Travemünde meeting?:

After 600 Km with the repaired BTH the Comet stopped with ignition trouble but with different behaviour like before.
With help of some Vincent friends and their tools and parts ( An additional Coil was on board) I tried to recover the Ignition with my knowadge from the second system.
But all the actions failed. Vince Landsdale brought me to the camp with his Sprinter.
I saw no chance for repair and again The ADAC brought me home on Sunday.
At home I broke together when I saw where the problem was. Apparently I mixed the wires from the BTH to the HT coil during my fixing actions at the rally.
Nice to know, that my profession is electricien and there are after all 3 wires!
Calle S. was so kind to sent me direct 2 magnetos which I did not used as for know.
So in fact there was only a small failure, a bad contact or spark plug or so.
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