Lördagens utflykt fortsatte sedan på natursköna småvägar till Egeskovs Slott och veteranfordonsmuseum. Det var här som det började regna.

Egeskov er en dansk herregård ved Kværndrup syd for Ringe på Midtfyn i Danmark. Slottet, der er en af Europas bedst bevarede vandborge, er opført i 1554 af rigsmarsk Frands Brockenhuus. Gården er ældre og kan dateres til 1400-tallet. Godset er i dag på 1137 hektar. Mer om slottet: Egeskovs Slott.

The excursion continued on small roads to Egeskov Castle. This was when rain started.

Egeskov Castle (Danish: Egeskov Slot) is located near Kværndrup, in the south of the island of Funen, Denmark. The castle is Europe's best preserved Renaissance water castle..Egeskov was first mentioned in 1405. The castle structure was erected by Frands Brockenhuus in 1554.
Due to the troubles caused by the civil war known as the Count's Feud (Danish: Grevens fejde), general civil unrest, and a civil war introducing the Protestant Reformation, most Danish noblemen built their homes as fortifications. The castle is constructed on oaken piles and located in a small lake with a maximum depth of 5 metres (16 ft). Originally, the only access was by means of a drawbridge. According to legend, it took an entire forest of oak trees to build the foundation, hence the name Egeskov (oak forest).
The estate has belonged to the Bille-Brahe family since 1784, when they acquired it from descendants of the Brockenhuus family. In 1882 it was inherited by the counts Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille who are still presently owning it. More about the Castle here:
Egeskovs Castle.

Schloss Egeskov ist eine Wasserburg in Kværndrup auf der Insel Fünen in Dänemark.
Das noch mittelalterlich geprägte Bauwerk wandelte sich im Laufe seiner Geschichte von einer äußerlich spätgotischen, innen schon im Stil der Renaissance gestalteten Wasserburg zu einem wohnlichen Landschloss. Das Gebäude ist von umfangreichen Gärten umgeben (nach Angaben der Eigentümer die größte historische Gartenanlage Dänemarks) und auf dem Schlossgelände befinden sich mehrere Museen. finished project, an Egli-resembling special with frame from Colin Taylor. Here equipped with a luggage rack of a very practical design.

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